WARNING! Prepare for major cussing and venting... No joke.. I came home from the doctors cursing more than a pirate/sailor.I have never been so mad my entire life...! I felt my blood pressure rising (and it usually never does!)
This...was me.... |
I have absolutely no
tolerance for dumbass doctors, who don't do their fuckin job and waste
their patient's time and money. Also looking down on their fuckin
patients~ REALLY? *spartan kicks* I needed to go to the doctors to have them fill out my school physical papers. To see if I was healthy enough to work the profession and to see if all my shots were in order.
First my appointment was at 10am. I got there at 945am. Then waited for about an HOUR before I was even got in. Then when I was finally in the room, waited till 11:15 before the doctor came in to see me. I don't mind the wait, cuz I know when going to the doctors, you are going to be waiting, but I didn't expected.. THIS LONG.. even with a fuckin appointment.
SIDE NOTE: >> So then this female doctor was the doctor I had before. The dumbass one who I told her what I thought she had, she asks 2 questions, and then comes up with exactly what I told her I had. Fuckin dumbass doctor, Doing her fuckin job. <<
So when the doctor came into my room.... I was like "Fuck my life.. not this dumbass again..!!" She comes in... and like the thing is. I understand why patients had to wait so godamn fuckin long. IT WAS BC SHE WOULD NOT STOP TALKING NONSENSE TO PATIENTS AND THE NURSES!!! She would just STAND there... in the hallway... chitchatting.. while she had 3 other FUCKIN ROOMS of patients WAITING FOR HER, including me. She was trying to be all "fun and cool with it" or some shit. She walked all stumbly like she was fuckin drunk as hell or some shit. ~ one to many scotch or glass o'wine I am guessing.. =-=;
ANYWHO!~ So now it was 11:30 AM... I waited so godamn fuckin long. She comes in and looks at my school papers that she needs to fill out for the physical and goes "wow.... this is a lot of papers" And she said it in a tone where it was like.. those blond sterotype voices" .......... Im like "oh.. haha ~ Yea.. it is for my school"
Then shes like "hold it hold it, I need to look at your papers" (rude much?) Then she starts clicking around on her computer talking to herself that has NO RELATION to medical stuff. I have no idea what the fuck she was mumbling to herself. And then as she clicks around her computer, she asks me "So why Dental Hygiene? Arn't you going doing pre-dental hygiene? You need to do the program with the Bachelors degree" I told her. "I already have one. so I am going for the AA so I can be licensed and just work.. I already have a Bachelors.. why would I need another one? " Shes like "why not just do Dentist?" FIRST OF ALL, none of your fuckin business what I fuckin do. My response, "Bc I don't feel the need to go that far to be successful in life. I will live a very comfortable life the way it is." She gave me a look like I was crazy.
AND THEN........ (HOLY FUCKIN HELL) ........... AND THEN SHE FUCKIN GOES "Nu uh hunny. You are wrong. You don't know what you are doing. You are going in as a pre-dental hygiene. not the real thing. The real thing is you need a bachelors for it"
OK... FIRST OF ALL... YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT SQUAT. I have researched and prepare for this ever since I graduated. I have talked to COUNTLESS of Dental Hygienist, Dentists, counselers, and DH STUDENTS that are in the program... about this path. I have talked to FAMILY who is a fuckin RDH. I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM DOING. YOU FUCKIN HIGH ASS MOTHER FUCKIN DOCTOR. You dont know SHIT SQUAT on what the FUCK you are talking about. SO DONT YOU DARE FUCKIN TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK I AM DOING WRONG. WHEN YOU ARE HERE HIGH AS A FUCKIN AIRPLANE, NOT DOING YOUR FUCKIN JOB....!!!!!! (Im sorry guys.. ^^;;)
So that terribly got me pissed as hell when she said that. And I was like (calmly) "No, I know what I am doing thanks" And then shes like "well.. o alright then" In the tone where she is sarcastic and thinks she is right. fuckin dumb bitch.
AND THEN~!!! OH MY GOD.. AND THENN!!! She suddenly goes... "Do you like singing? You should join a choir!"
Me: (in my head): ............................................................ ARE YOU FUCKIN HIGH?!?!?! WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MY FUCKIN PAPERS?!?! DONT WASTE MY FUCKIN TIME! I came here to do a physical, not be your fuckin friend. Especialyl not to someone who is a coniving person. Who looks down on their fuckin patients.I told her yes, I do like singing. and then she tells me to join the choire.. FOR A LIVING........... REALLY?!?! THATS THE MOST DISRESPECTING THING I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE... FUCKING BITCH. WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?!!
I told her "uhh... no. I am going to stick with DH...and piano teaching as a job too" Then she goes "OH! you play the piano! Great, you would be wonderful in the choir!"
I told her that I am busy enough as it is and wont have time for that (fuckin nonsense)..
THEN SHE BRAGS ABOUT HER KIDS... "WELL, my daughter goes to Loma Linda University ( A private Christian Medical School). She is going to be a Doctor and still has time for choir.
Me: (in my head) ... YOU HAVE KIDS? Why the fuck would you reproduce...!!! Good for you bitch.
SO AFTER ALL THAT!!! ....... SHE DIDNT FILL OUT ANY...... NOT ANY ... of my fuckin papers... NOTHING.. at all.. she then takes my papers out of the room... 5 mins later comes back to leave it on the desk... then leaves me................ for another good 10 mins... I was just sitting there.. not knowing WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING on.... and then the Nurse came in was like ".... You are still here O-o?"
And Im like "uhh.. yeaaaaaaaaaa....... Iono what the fuck is going on and NONE of my papers are filled." the nurse was kind enough (even though she was bitchy too but she still got the job done, so I dont mind), she took my papers out to the doctor who.. WAS WITH ANOTHER PATIENT.. LIKE WTF?!?!
SHE DIDNT EVEN HELP ME OUT AT ALL! ALL SHE DID WAS SAT THERE AND MADE ME PISSED AS ALL! I think she probably saw my face because my face looked like I was about to strangle her and probably take something sharp and pass it through her fuckin throat.
So finally the nurse helped me out filled out some of the questions and some of the paperwork. But I have to come back........AGAIN TO SEE THE DOCTOR WHO DIDNT DO SHIT SQUAT!!!!
I had my PDD/TB shot~ So I have to come back on Mon to see the results of that. then some more blood work I gotta do and yadi yada~~ THE POINT IS..........
I have never in my life... seen such a "Doctor" like this.. The whole fuckin establishment. Fuckin rude to their patients, are not in time, Dont do anything but patronize the patients. Srsly... NO! I would change doctors if I have better medical insurance, but I can't atm. They are so pathetically useless..
SRSLY, like my Aunt had a problem with her back. THEY DID NOTHING TO HELP HER BUT TOOK HER MONEY... I swear to god... DOCTORS ARE SUPPOSED TO BECOME DOCTORS TO WANT TO HELP PATIENTS NOT FUCKIN ONLY THINK ABOUT FUCKIN MONEY. I am so disapointed and pissed. FUCKIN WASTE MY TIME AND MONEY. I didnt get to eat breakfast, and I had to pee the entire time. So I was already pissed as fuck. ~~ GAHHH
--------------------------------------- End Rant.--------------------- Sorry for the language~ But when I get pissed, its hard to control myself. My appologizes ~~
Good side~ I finished making my famous cakeballs for my brother to take for our cousin's graduation and mini gifts for people! :] Inside is Red Velvet cakeballs~ and outside covering is Almond Bark Choclate~ <3 I am not allowed to eat cookies, cakes, or cupcakes for a year~ But from what my brother and Tori told me, they taste splendid! So .. HUZZUH on success!
They look pretty good huh ;] ? |
Waiting for them to harden ! |
Also!! Thank you Tori for your Ugly Apple Pie from Car's Land (Disney California Adventures Theme Park)!! :D She got it from Flo's Cafe!! TWAS DELICIOUS! I thought the pie was freakin cute as heck! hehe :D
Flo's Cafe's~ Ugly Apple Pie :D <3 |