Definitely Need:
PS3 Controllers!!! T^T
A nice long/big box to hold my comic books... they are spewing... T^T;
New Law figures! (some of the links may be the same... haha XD;) Don't buy it till after AX.. bc it will probably be bought during AX. haha XD;;
Clothes: Probably size M...? I like my clothes semi loose!
Shorts, Patterned/or non its ok dresses, you
guys know my style, Jeggings (dark blue, black, grey)
Rise of the Guardian Artbook
Dynasty Warriors Artbook ~ The big one. haha
Kingdom Hearts Jewelry
Make up stuff ~
Kingdom Hearts manga books ~~ I need... 358/2 and Birth By Sleep if they has! And KH2.
Body Spray- bath and body- japanese cherry blossom. Lotions
are always good too :]
Some kind of music player for my car.. Im so tired of my cds
=[ </3 !
Purses: brown, adventure looking, vintage looking, cute
flower patterns (size M-L? nothing too puny)
Lead pencils :D ! I collect them <3
Drawings :D
Stuff animals. (Besides
my pokemon that I want left for my team:
Blastoise, Lugia (black or white), Gengar.)
Movie DVDS are saved for black Friday fun :D !
Random nicknacks,
Laptop ~ I am about to get one with my dad and hyo. Haha