Sunday, April 8, 2012

When I was younger ~

When I was younger, my dad told me that I have always held onto 2 things. In one hand, I had a spoon.. I always had a spoon in my hand, loved them. The other, was a PONY! I have always loved ponies all my childhood and I still love them now. 

So lately, I have been still sick, I had a My Little Pony spree. Yes... My little pony. I freakin love ponies. The newer ones isn't exactly the same as my old ponies that I liked. The art is a bit newer, but it still held onto the ol' classic names! Also, when I was younger, MLP was a huge part of my toys! I mostly collected pokemon, digimon, and MLP toys! :D haha. I remember when Mc Donald had the MLP toys out, I went nuts. haha XD ! Loved them all. I also got the big ones too! I had: Poison Ivy, Sun Dance, Sky Skimmer, and my lucky one ~ Sea Breeze! You can only get Sea Breeze if you buy the other ponies, and turn in the coupons and they will send you Sea Breeze in the mail! So yea, she was my favorite XD  I've always wanted the pony named Clever Clover too! But she was always sold out =[ !  I had to donated my other ponies, but I still kept Sea Breeze! Here she is! :D 

Sea Breeze! :D My lucky pony! 
The pearl/beaded bracelet was mine, and I added to her like it was her "dress" XD


  1. Yes I totally remember you what you said about spoons ~ and ponies!! I still remember when MLP first came out ~ it came out just about the time Rainbow Brite and Transformers and GI Joe and Care Bears did ^__^ I super remember the commercials ~ Starshine and Windy, Moonbeam and Starlight, Parasol and Sky Dancer too ~ My Little Pony, new Little Pony, they're like a dream come truuuuuue ^O^*** So I guess the MLP you know is still newer than the one I knew ^O^*** Before Tinier Me, I was on this site called Ponystars ~ it was a French MLP rip off and I amassed a herd of about 22 ponies ~ it broke my heart when they took the site down T___T

    1. YEA YEA!! OMGSH! I watched Rainbow Brite, Transformers, GI Joe, and Care Bears too! There was also Captain Planet XD haha!

      The MLP I knew and loved.. ahhh~~ It maybe the same! haha ~ The toys that I had came out in 1992 I think...~~ But the movie, was when I was a little kid! It was about the OOZ :D The purple ooz that the witches made to ruin the ponies!

      THEY TOOK THE SITE DOWN!?!? >A>! THATS TERRIBLE! Im so glad you also like MLP :D haha! Good times <3

  2. Dawwhh yeerr pony is soo cuuutee. *U* lovely hair~ xDD

  3. OMG! You still have a pony? XD haha so you <3 She's so cute, dude I don't I have any of my toys when I was a kid anymore it all went to hand me downs to my little cousins o-o haha.

    1. YUP! I kept at least one pony :D hehe ! Shes my lucky one XD ! haha. Its ok! I donated a lot of my toys too! haha ~ I kept the ones that were memorable hehe X3
