Monday, May 27, 2013

Moving along ~

I just realized I haven't made the amount of posts I wanted to do for each month yet! Been so busy ! There have been so many events lately! haha XD !  Been meeting a lot of new friends and totally having a great time! I am very grateful to have met such great new friends, and I hope to continue to have more fun with them! haha +A+b Slowly moving along with myself haha ~ ;]

White Cat: Kisssshh?
Dark Cat:, I'm shy.

Also!! ~ Congrats Pengen again for graduating! You are finally going to become a teacher !! +A+ ooot!


More shows added to my list of things I need to watch: 
Attack on Titan (waiting for mroe episodes to come out)
Once Upon a Time (really good so far! :D )
Arata the Legend


 OH! A cute one shot manga chapter about a love story btw a chubby girl and a short guy :D Its cute. haha

Its cliche but interesting combo ;D !

Random Fact: Theres this new laser surgery that can actually "scrape" off the brown color layer of your eye and reveal your blue eyes beneath !!  Its still new, I think there still needs to be studies done, but so far, it has been safe.  <-- pix !

mmmm <3 Sinbad for meeee <3 !! Ahhh <3 I love him =u= !!


  1. ...Dude. I don't remember sending you that Sinbad picture D: hahaha XD; I must have looked through so many that it slipped my mind, but it is very sexy lol.

    Try to finish watching Once Upon a Time when you get a chance :D it is my favorite American TV drama for the time being hehe.

    I hope you're feeling better (: things change and will get better at its pace and at the right time. You will do fine.

    1. LOL!! You send me so much to kill me XD ! haha <3 !! Sinbaddy indeed >u< yums! haha

      Yea! I can't wait to watch more!! +A+9 SOON!!

  2. Good heavens what a handsome young man LOL ^O^*************************

    *DIES* from the uber cuteness of white kitty ^O^*************************

    I miss you so much, and think of you often ~ you know that, right?

    You inspire me and you're the absolute best ~ but then you knew that too ^___~

    Chillax when you can all right? Don't work too hard ~ and give the white kitty and cuddle for me ^_____^****************

    1. IKR?! Sinbad is so... *drools* haha XD! he is super charismatic <3 ! haha.

      I miss you too Senchi! I can't wait when you have more time so we can chat more!
