Monday, June 24, 2013

Things I want to do ~ but.. can't yet.. OTZ

Things I want to do.. but I can't yet.. WHY?! Because sadly.. my laptop has met its last days. =[ ! I have had it for 7 years. Not bad! Usually laptops lasts for ... 4-5 years! haha XD !
It just sucks so bad T^T/! I want to draw sooooooooooooooooo bad! There are so many drawings I have had planned to draw over the summer. I REALLY REALLY hope I get a chance to get to them! haha. This summer is going to be extremely busy filled with so many events to go to and do!! AHH!! I am already overwhelmed with the things I have to do!! So much fun and work included! haha. XD ! Even if school is over, I am still stressed like crazy. T^T;; !!

Thats just me. I am a worry wart. haha ~~ Here is the list of things I have to do for the rest of June/July ish! I'll make a July list when that comes around XD haha

1. Work
2. Cousin's graduation
3. Get new laptop... hopefully.. OTZ !
4. DRAW DRAW DRAW 8D !! **
5. check grades... T^T;;; *prays*
6. Practice typodont
7. Clean room... (srsly.. its a disaster)
8. Watch Once Upon A Time (finish season 2! +A+9 )
9. Play a bunch of video games to my hearts content. DEFINITELY start Kingdom Hearts haha XD
10. Play with Deebo more
11. Hang out with friends !
12. Finish/start some anime! Like Attack on Titans. Almost done reading the chapters, need to start on the anime! +A+9 cant wait for the blood and gore! haha 

Sounds good! hahaa ~ I'll have July's list up too! July is going to be even more jammed packed! haha.


OTHER NEWS! Got my hair permed again! Its super omega curly right now @A@! Hopefully it calms down and doesn't resemble a lion. haha XD !


MOOD: Fantasy ~  ;D ! I want to draw my Tazel (my KH oc) and Roxas/Ventus so bad =u=  !!

My Heartless Prince <3
I love him so much T^T/ !!!! My Prince !! I want to draw him with Tazel soooo baddddddd !!! *agonizes*


  1. Somebody's birthday is coming up next month ^_~ And wow that is one hot prince ^_~* One day at a time, Tsucchi ~ I'm sure your grades will turn out well ^_^ / You've worked so hard so I'm sure it's all gonna pay off ~ time to party hard now ^_^ / And I hope you get your new lappy soon ~ give Deebo a cuddle for me ^_^*

    1. (~' 3 ')~ Muh bday!!! The age is going to creep up on me T^T/! hahaa XD;; !!

      My grades did turn out well! :D I got a B and an A!! haha. Super happy about that!! hehe XD !

      Now its time to party and also practice and study too! haha. I can't slack off too much! ;D !

      Hopefully I get a new laptop by this weekend ><!!

      Deebo says meow ;D
