Monday, April 16, 2012

One of those good days~

Aced my test for the school I am applying to (preparing for part 2 of the test next @A@), got some shopping done, ate a filling lunch, rewarded self with a vinylmation that I wanted! The boxes come randomly, so you have to pretty lucky to get the one you want!
 I want to shout special thanks to my fantastic exquisite friend, Ryuna. Thank you for taking me everywhere today, encouraging me during my test, listening to me freak out, being that solid ground I can fall to. Thank you so much. No matter how much words I can say, I can't express enough gratitude and appreciation! *hugs for life* !!! 

Chopper dancing next to my new Vinylmation ~!
Everyone meet JOE the robot!


  1. Yay for Robot Vinylmation! LOL I can't believe you named him Joe... actually I take that back I do believe it. LOL Anywho your welcome, I enjoyed taking you out and I'm glad you had fun :D I know you got my back too when I need you! So, thank you too! <3

    Now go ace that next test! So do your best with your studies you can do it! X3

    1. Thank you so much Ryuna! +A+9 I will do my very best and make everyone proud!

      LOLS! I kissed Joe too. OxO!! hahaha XD !!! *skips*

  2. Ooooh Chopper I know that one ~ he grows chocobarz and shrips off his shirt, right? Heh heh ~ so like you to like characters like that, even tiny moosey ones ^O^***

    I am verrrrry happy you aced your test ~ was there ever any doubt? ^O^*** *throws confetti and roses*

    You are indeed very lucky to have Ryuna-san as a friend ~ a big thank you to her from me for taking such very very good good care of you ^__^ // Everyone needs friends like that to support them through the big big undertakings deshou? Hooray for Ryuna-san ^__^ //

    And biiiiig hooray for you!!! Go ace part two!!! *GLOMPS YOU!!*

    1. Chopper doesn't grow chocobars and strips his shirt XD haha! And hes a Reindeer OxO!! haha.

      Thankies much Senchi! For always believing in me :D hehe! Yea! :D Ryuna always supports me through everything! Shes my hero :D ! hehe!

