Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Still stressing buttt IDGAF !

I am transfering my stressing/freakout/ mood into IDGAF! I musttt !!

Captain: Cheer up Taz, have some chocolate to calm your stress! :]
Taz: gahh >u< You are too sweet Chris~ <3
Today at work got yelled at by a useless old fart. He was just nagging and yelling at me and it was just going out the other ear. I am not doing it to be rude. I am doing it because I have no respect for this man. Absolutely no respect. A man who doesnt share his money with his family and keeps using his wife's money. All he does is bitch around the store and does nothing. Nope. Cheap guys = does not have my respect. he does other things too but as of right now ~ Idgaf.

I also want to thank everyone who is helping me find a place to live ! Its so sweet of you! I really hope things work out! Thank you all of my friends and family! *fingers crossed* So far, so many places are there, but they are soo expensive.. It would be more expensive to live on my own rather than drive =-=; ! So yea.. gota see!


  1. IDGAF is a great way to deal with stress ~ I've learned that a lot of my own stress comes from giving F's so if you don't give any, you get less stress! It sounds mean but it's true LOL

    And you may even be doing that guy a favour by not GAF because if you did, it may turn out badly for him ho ho ho ho ho (I don't care much for people like that either ~ but then, who does neh)

    Maybe driving wouldn't be so bad if you found like carpool mates or... Well anyway, just hang in there okay? I hope you'll able to resolve that soon ~ it's so awful when something is out of your hands like that I know u_u Again, it doesn't have to be permanent / for the rest of the school year or even the semester ~ driving now maybe for a while / only for now / temporarily until you can find someplace or someone to share someplace with... *hands you some chocolate too*

    1. IKR? When you just dont give an F, things look so much better. haha XD ! Future me will worry about it later. LOL ! But its true. Sometimes... why stress yourself to care so much right? haha. But yea... hopefully... housing will work out. +A+9 I know my god will guide me to the right path! hehe XD Everything happens for a reason!

      I swear, if I did give a frapping crap, I would be jump kicking him left and right.

      Yea, I mayb thinking of doing the carpooling, and if its late night studying, I may ask a friend to sleep over or something.. we will see! :0 ! I have high hopes. And the plus side of commuting is that I wont have to miss my Deebo! hehe XD !

      *hugs Senchi* You always know what to say!

  2. mmm yeah thats pretty much sums up life....=( hope everything works out how about we just focus on the 29th?

    1. Yea :\ I know Tori... we gotta keep the IDGAF attitude as much as we can. haha XD ! Thanks much! I hope things work out well too T^T! If I do commute, I may need sleep overs at friend's places so I can study T^T! Its hard to study at home. haha.

      YAY FOR THE 29th!!! I am sooo excited +A+9 !!
