Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wonder Woman

Why Wonder Woman? Well so many things happening today @A@! So crazy~~

LIKE THIS CRAZY! ~ I love Professor Layton!! <3 I wanted to shoot many things today..!

1. Went to the doctor to get my results and the rest of my papers filled. I got most of it done, but NOPE. They forgot ONE more blood test from last time. So I had to get ANOTHER freakin blood test... my 3rd freakin one... Srsly, I don't know how they hire these people =-=! So I gotta go back AGAIN =-=! .... what.. a waste... of my goddamn time...

2. Took my Mom to have her surgery. She is truly the Wonder Woman of my life. There has no been no body who takes shit like my mom does. She gets so much stress from work, her body, some family drama. ~ and yet.. she is always smiling, thinking of others, and trying to make everyone else happy. She is truely the Wonder Woman of my life. I look up to my mother like a god. She is absolutely incredible, brave, beautiful, caring,... words cannot describe all the things she is capable of.

My mom just had 4 MORE  tumors removed today. Last year ~ she had a huge one and a few small ones, but today was 4 more tumors. This is incredible. She is not scared at all. I love her with all my heart. She will get well soon! So no worries :] ! She is tough! Thats why we call her the dragon of Saigon. haha XD <3 

3. Another strong woman that I have known for quite some time now is my dear friend Sen-chi ! No matter what life throws at her, she is always standing strong for what she believes in and always working hard. She is such a hard worker, truely a role model for all and truely an inspiration! 
~ Senchi, I know lately you have been feeling down, and it tears me apart to see you so sad, dead zombie like. I worry a lot ~ I know theres not much I can do and I hope you would still talk to me about it. You have no idea what I am capable of :] ! I hope this cheers you up in the slightest! I love you, please stay strong like I know you are! 
My Art for Sen-chi~ <3
4. Today is my 6 and a HALF year anniversary with Mr. Hlimzors ~ :] Happy Anniversary poo head~ <3


  1. You rock Tsucchi ~ you really rock ~ take everything you said about me and apply it to you, because it is so not true. I'm actually still at work right now, I just needed to get away from it for a while because I am just... ... ...

    I love you so much and I truly appreciate your being there for me right now through this difficult time!!

    Your Mom is truly lucky to have you ~ will pray for your Mom's complete recovery ~ how can she not recover when she has you to take care of her right?

    Happy happy Anniversary to you and your lovey ^_^*

    And while I hate that your tests stuff isn't over yet, I know you will tough it out ~ just a little while longer; it'll all be over soon ~

    Just remember ~ the only real Wonder Woman around here (after your Mom) is YOU ~

    1. LIES! haha You are a wonder woman yourself :] ! Don't be modest! haha XD Take my words! TAKEEEE THEM!!!! hehe :D !

      Thank you for the best wishes for my mom! She is in pain right now, so its a bit tough =[ !

  2. Your mom is seriously Wonder Woman! I am so glad to see that she is recovering well (: she still looks wonderful as always! Hehe I love your mom so much! She is so sweet, even though you say she is crazy at times LOL but she's your mom, moms are supposed to be like that. My mom too! LOL XD

    I hope your friend Sen-chi is doing better! (: it is so nice to hear your support to your friends. You're such a good friend! The art looks great by the way! XD I WANT TO DRAW D: OMG SO DRAWING DEPRIVED! LOL I NEED TO GET MY LIFE BACK IN ORDER X( lol

    1. Thank you so much Ryuna! Its thanks to you also that shes feeling well :D ! She loved the card you got her! hehe.

      Yea, she can be crazy, but its ok. we all have a lil crazy in us XD haha! MOMS FTW!!! hehe XD

      Thankies Ryuna! Senchi is strong! hehe She will make it +A+9

      AND YESSS DRAWWW! I crave for your drawing!
