Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cheated a bit~~ D:

T^T Today... I had a little bit of carbs..! Cheated my diet a bit. I only had a little bit I swear! And like a few sips of sweet milk tea! Nothing more!  Its only a little, yet my stomach already reacted and didn't like it as much! I didn't get acid reflux as much when I had my salads. O_O!
Today went swimming~ I took a picture, but just so tired to uploads stuff =3=;;
But swam for 10 laps!! Whooooottt! :D hehe.  Still pretty sore!

Caught up with some new Anime!

I finished the first season of Hamatora!

It wasn't too bad! First 2 episodes of season 2 just came out! Somewhat explained the HUGEEEE cliffhanger left of season 1 ! haha~ Its not a bad anime. :] ! Its similar to Xmen! :]  Favorite characters would include the girl Hajime (the black haired one), and the Doctor (of course.) Ratio! :] !!

Also~  finally season 2 of Persona4 is out!! :D 2 episodes so gotta watch that!!

Keeping track of animes I am waiting for new eps to come out every week would include:
1. Re: Hamatora   (waiting for ep 3)
2. Akame ga Kill  (waiting for ep 3)
3. Persona4: The Golden Animation  (waiting for ep 3)
4. Sailor Moon: Moon Crisis (waiting for ep 2)


  1. Ooooh I hope you and your stomach is okay, cuz acid reflux! I searched it up; is it when acids start making gurgling sound? Does it hurt? D: Oh, and I didn't know sweet milk tea isn't allowed in the carbs diet ~ but you worked hard, maybe a tiny bit of difference won't make a huge one. And you swam a lot! That makes up for the tiny bit of carbs in my opinion! :D

    Oooh wow you caught of with those animes! :D I still haven't watched any of those xD Am trying to catch up with FMA Brotherhood, cuz I finished the old FMA... maybe I would write a huge list of animes which I watched and write my review comments of each anime :3 Ehehe~ i love animes with good stories :D

    1. Haha No worries Shizen! I actually have Gastroesphophageal Reflux disease ~ So I am used to it. GERD for short. haha. It does hurt, it doesnt do the gurgling sound. But you get massive heart burn, and you get acid gasses go up your mouth so you burp a lot, and you pretty much throw up really easily. I throw up like... at least 2ce a week :\ ! So yea... its bad. haha.

      YES! I need to watch the FMA Brotherhood one too! I heard it was better than the old FMA, so def gotta watch it! Its more like the manga so its different but better! haha.

      You should write reviews on anime! That would be awesome! haha

    2. Oohhh myyy Dr. Tsu! T_T Please be careful ~ does certain type of food make a lot of stomach acid reaction? D: So too many food might be painful, right? Oh my throwing up at least twice a week is so're so strong!!! ;_; I really wish the GERD will eventually get cured! >< *hugs*

    3. Hahah~ Yea there are certain types of food I have to avoid, like Onions, Tomatoes, Oranges, Oily foods, Lemons, Spicey, etc. Any foods that are acidic D: ! I can't have too much of it or at all.

      Theres no cure, but when it gets bad, you can sorta have surgery for it to help it, but it wont go away :\ ! Just gotta watch your diet kinda thing!

  2. Arara tsk tsk cheating already this early in the game? ^O^**** JK JK JK ^_______^***

    But you swam ten laps!! Surely that burned it all anyway? ^__~ d

    Personally I'm a hungrytarian ~ I eat if I'm hungry LOL LOL And they say that if you crave something, your body actually needs it ~ like if it's (iono) let's say peanuts? Whatever minerals or whatevs is in the peanuts, that's what your body needs the most at the moment ~ so maybe, you really needed those carbs dude. I'm no registered dietitian or nutritionist or whatevs, but the way I see it, it's LESS carbs, not NO carbs, right?

    Cut yourself some slack, cutey ^_^** Besides, you're still in your resting phase, right? With all the anime ^__^ /

    But yeah, it's just a matter of WILL POWER dude ^__^ / And you n I both know, Capn Taz is the ULTIMATE at WILL POWER!! *idolises your discipline*

    Actually there's a book in my jon about what food is good to eat for what ~ there's like a whole list of food that's good for weight loss ~ I seriously don't think you need it, cos you're fabulous the way you are ^_^ But maybe wunna these days if you want i can PM you ^__^ /

    *loves pre- and post-diet you* ^__^**

    1. haha I know right? But I know you should still have some carbs~ So it should be ok! :D haha I am still eating my salads daily XD hehe! Sometimes I feel so guilty when I eat anything other than salads O_O! And my stomach doesnt feel as bad when I eat salads! So its good! hehe.

      LOLS a Hungrytarian, thats fantastic!! :D I love that. hahaha.
      When you are doing the Paleo diet, you cut carbs for awhile~ D: Is what my brother told me. so yea... D: !! Trying my best to. I have some still, no worries, but mostly try to cut! My body has been pretty ok with it so far! haha.

      WILL POWER!!! +A+9 !!! hahaha~ Sometimes I think thats how I would make a pretty good green lantern O_O!! haha

      LOLS thank you Senchi you are so supportive~ love you!
