Thursday, July 10, 2014


Have you ever had that feeling, where you were sooo angry inside and you just can't control it? That was me today. Its due to stress with my exam results coming in, plus tom not coming yet, plus lack of sleep, plus more stress on top of more stress!!!! arggg... I hate feeling this way. I don't mean to be moody or angry towards anyone, but it just keeps creeping up on me. sigh =-=! So I do apologize for my moodiness.
Arg.. the agony... I hate you hormonesss T^T9

Law being affected by the "Negative Hollow" attack from Perona~  Thats how I'm feeling. The move makes you feel depressed inside once the hollow ghost passes through you. Law doesn't actually get affected by the move in the anime, but they just wanted to make a funny keychain of it XD
I ran today though!! Running really helps clear my mind a bit haha ~ Ran about... more than a mile, and then walked a mile after. Good stuffs. Never realized there are many kitties in my neighborhood O_O!

My sketch of my gaia avi atm~~ XD

Thank you Ryuna for making me feel better =u= !!


  1. Yes. I am ashamed to say I know that uncontrollable feeling very well. I'm even more ashamed to admit that more often than not, it doesn't stay inside of me but comes right out (on account of its being uncontrollable) ~ and woe unto those who happen to be within a fifty-mile radius of me!!

    Still though as you said, there's a lot to excuse you ~ I mean *anyone* would be moody with everything going on with you now! That's a lot of stress dude, so it's tooootally understandable!!

    Running is brilliant stress management though ~ I sure wish I could run like you! I don't know anybody who runs who isn't fit fit fit ya know? ^___^ /

    I'm sure you were feeling like your Law up there but yeah I do hope you're feeling better now ~ also hope to see more sketches from you soon ~ your tablet is working again, yes? ^__^ /

    1. I know.. and what sucks is that you know you are doing it, but you can't control it. Arg... thats what pisses me off the most =-=!! sigh..!

      Thank you for understanding Senchi!! haha.

      Aiy.. Im running, but Im not fit, Im trying to be though~ haha its hard work but working at it ><! I need to be slimmer! haha

      Sketches... maybbb. My drawing skills have decreased =[

  2. Oh yes, I sure have had that uncontrollable anger within me many many times ~ because I tend to have short temper, and it's really hard to control anger! And when trying to be patient ~ oho~ that burning feeling inside, I have to get out of that room. I've read in hadeeth that when you change your current position (when you're angry when sitting, then stand, when standing, then sleep, or something like that), it'll calm the anger down a bit, and it worked for me :] But I tend to forget this, I should remember it often ^o^/

    Yesss stress is so stressful, it's normal to get so angry and moody, happens all the time! And exercise does help, releasing dopamines ~ yaaaaay! xD the happy hormones getting released everywhereee!! And drawing helps as well! :D I don't know if it makes a difference when you draw what you feel or when you draw something else...but I think it's more tempting to draw what you currently feel ^_^

    Oh my, I love that sketch of your avi! :D Aaaah I should start drawing as well! You know, you're so creative ~ for me, my avi is always like the me, I'm always wearing similar clothes and style xD Hehehe am not so good with fashion unlike others ^^

    1. Srsly. I hate it when hormones act up. But yea I'll try to do more to work on it too Shizen!! I'll try to do what you do! haha. All I did was running, but that helped lots too haha.

      yeaaa need more dopamines !! Teehee XD !!

      Aiy.. its just a sketch sketch... D: !! I just wanted to release some anger haha. hopefully I'll get back to drawing soon. my skills have decreased =[ !

      you need a new avi!!! Let me help you :D hehe !
