Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Good lookin back

Law with Bepo !! 

After not blogging for so long, I looked back on all the old blogs, and realized how much fun I had doing these. Also!! The memories!! They really do bring back a lot of memories. I'm all "wow!! I wrote all of these blogs? And made them so pretty and fun!??" Thats pretty neat! I loved looking back on what happened, and just going through the memories. Each so important. By writing these blogs, has been so fun. I laugh at how my older blogs has more effort into them than some of the newer ones. I will definitely try to put more effort!~

I was supposed to post up a sketch tonight, but something happened to my photoshop D: ! The pen strokes from my wacom isn't coming out right. I will need to have someone take a look at it real quick first before I can work on any digital art ;A;/ booooo!!!  </3 !

I wanted to try to post up a sketch =[ ! But I guess that didn't work out. BUT ITS OK +A+9 ! hahaha~ I busted out my camera again XD hahaha!

Law and Jiyu !! 
Currently watching: Games of Thrones- Season 2. I am almost done! Just 2 more episodes and then I am on to season 3 ! haha XD



  1. It's okay if you only take photos! I miss your photos!! Especially the one with the tiny Cap Amers ^__^*** This one of you and Law is a cutey one ^__^**

    and omg *loves polar bears* ^O^***

    1. LOL!! I'll try to get some art too ;A;/ ! After I figure out whats wrong with my tablet. It could be due to the program on my laptop too ><
