Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Holy sweet mother of Earth, I PASSED MY NATIONAL BOARD EXAM!!! Words cannot describe how I feel right now. I was shaking when opening the letter, and tears just came bursting out!!

I want to thank all my family and friends who have supported me and dealt with me through all this time. I am soooo happy... !! But now, I am preparing for the next part of the battle... the STATE boards...!! dundunDUnnnn!!! Waiting for a phone call from the DHCC to see if I am still able to take it on the 27th!!  DH License, I am getting closer to you!!

OK! Now I can add more! But other than passing~  I just have to wait now for a packet to come to my house then I am able to take my STATE boards on the 27th!! AHhhh!! I hope it works out! I will be closer to getting my license! :]
-~~ Got a lot done today as well!
I went to post office to send in my results so I can get my State Board packet!

- I actually injured my knee while running, so I couldn't run today~  So when I was doing my CPR/AED class, it hurt a bit bc I was on my knees most of the time to give CPR D: !  But hopefully I'll be ok by tomrw. Gonna ice it a bit!

- I got to organize my lil board also!!

Drats... I just realized I could have added my mini ponies on here too... hmm..!! 
OH! and the Law puzzle I finished! I put it in a frame I got from Daiso :]

Gorgeousss <3 


  1. OMG CONGRATULATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS, I had no doubt that you will pass!!! :D Yes yes yes YOU DID IT!! Your absolute hardwork for many years paid off!! >:D Hardwork reaps many amazing rewards!! And you can certainly pass those state borads as well! :D
    I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! *GLOOOOMP* <333

    1. Aaaah I hope your knee gets better!! D: It must have hurt a lot! Oooh 27th, the day before the uni starts ~ best of luck Dr. Tsu, you can do this!! >:]
      And your lil' board looks amazing! :D They're so cute!! I should really think of where to decorate all my mini figures and plushies once I settle in Australia! :) You inspired me a lot!
      *hugs* <333

    2. Awww!! Thank you sooo much Shizen!! You sweetie! haha. I know right? It feels like a huge accomplishment! haha.

      Thanks! My knee is achy lately still but it will be ok Im sure!! hahaha

      awww shucks you!! LOL

  2. SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER CONGRATULATIONS TSUCCHI!!!!!! SUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! Has the packet come yet? Araaaa I wasn't able to check your blog; we had a mega storm come yesterday so no power!! (and therefore no internet) But I have been praying for your success, and omg prayers answered!!! Will wait for when you pass your boards you RDH you!! (Ravishing Dental Hygienist) ^_____^*** *RUNNING GLOMP*

    ^___^ Also happy you completed your puzzle and oh my oh my my sister arranges her stuff on a corkboard like that too ~ guess we really are sisters then ^___^

    Araaaa I'm so happy for you Tsucchi ~ so proud of you and Shizen-chan too ~ now I can die ^O^*** (Or wait, I will after you get your licence ^O^***) You. Are. The BEST. ^__^**

    1. THANK YOU SENCHI!!! hahaha I couldn't have done it without your support :D hehe!! You and Shizen is always cheering me on hehe XD

      Packet hasn't come yet =[ !

      OH NO!! Is everyone ok after the storm? :[ ! That sounds aweful !! I will also pray for you!!

      LOL sisters for life girl!! haha Thakn you thank you!
