Friday, July 11, 2014

Ultimate lazy

I.. did... absolutely.. nothing today.  And hey, I feel like I deserve those days. The whole day today, all I did was watch GoT clips on youtube, played some games, and also played some In Your Arms since it updated today!! Whooot~~~ Kippeiii *u* My hubbsie. The story was super cute and made my heart flutter of course =u=! hehe.
Plans for the rest of today is go watch How To Train A Dragon 2 ! Finally~ Been wanting to watch it! Thats why I blogged a bit early just in case I come home too late!

Captain is also skilled at training dragons :] ! Especially Toothless

EDIT: ~~ Just watched it!! the movie was pretty darn good :] !! It even made me teary! Hit me in the feels bc it had to do with family I guess ><! But gosh! Good movie. I love love LOVe the sound track !!! Amazing. And Toothless <3 !! Ahhhh <3  love him =u=!!


  1. Yesss you totally deserve those days!! >:D It feels so good when you can do whatever you want after all those months of hard work! >w<
    Aaaah I wanna play games too ~ haven't continued with the latest Professor Layton game which my lil' bro got me ~ no time! >< I want to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! ...but then when I have free time I go on gaia, check emails and fb and blog xD hahaha my fault, i guess ^^;

    Haven't watched that movie yet ~ please tell us how it was! Toothless is sooo cute! I hope the second movie will be as good as the first one :D Have fun Dr Tsu, enjoy your day!! :D

    1. Haha its ok Shizen!! You will make time for everything :D ! Thats why I take my time when I go on gaia too @A@! There always seems to be something to do! hehehe

      THe movie was great!!!! So so super great!! haha

  2. Ooohh thank you for telling us Dr. Tsu! :D Oh wow, I should watch it then! >:]

    1. The music is super epic Shizen!! +A+9 I highly encourage!! hahaha

    2. OMG I really wanna watch it now!! Does it have bagpipes and flutes?

    3. hehe a bit yes :] !! Its really epic!!

  3. YES. You DEFINITELY have earned a day off. DAYS off. MONTHS off. A YEAR EVEN!! You are one of the hardest working people I know ~ fosho!!!!


    I am SO looking forward to having some lazy days ~ just gotta ~ hang in there for a few weeks more ~

    And Tsucchi, if you got any slimmer you'd be a STICK ~ lol ~ you are fine the way you are ~ super fit n great lookin ^__~** d Enjoy enjoy enjoy your days off!!!

    1. LOLS!! You dork, thats not true. I work medium level. I think I know people who work even more than me. Iono about working harder than me, but work more! teeheee XD

      LOLS!!! You will have those days soon Senchi!! :D Almost!!! hahaha

      NO!!! I really need to get slimmer!! D: !! I have so much flab its so gross ;A;/ !!!
