Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Organizing day!

Today I was able to sterilize my instruments !! Whoooot!! I went to my cousin's dental office, thank goodness he let me!! I wouldn't want to keep my instruments dirty for too long!! Blood and saliva D: Yikes! haha BUT ITS ALL CLEAN NOW! Yayyy !!


But today I got to organize my ponies and Sailor moon set! Whoot! I had to get a new box for em, but dang they look good! check it out!

My pony army is growing !!! My poor pink princess doesn't fit on top bc her crown too big!
Can't wait to get the outer scouts to fill it in!! haha
~~ Now I gotta get ready to study for my third test ! I scheduled it on August 14th!! ahhhh >_<!
More studying to be done!!! ><;;;


  1. They don't look good, they look GREAT!! Oh gods, the PONIES *swoons* ~ and your chibi dolls!! ^_____^***

    geez Tsucchi a THIRD TEST??? Will there be no end to your suffering ever? *cries for you*

    1. LOLS!!! Thank you so much!!! haha~ My chibi Sailor Scouts XD hehe!!

      IKR?!?! ONE MORE TEST!! Well.. depending if I passed the 2nd one ><
