Monday, July 28, 2014

Comic Con 2014

I just realize... that I am not able to summarize comic con too well. haha~ Its just too much to write and record. But I will write down the basics :D ! (Actually, I think I did that last year too!) Its just too much to write to narrow down 3 days of stuff into one blog !! Just too crazy haha XD
But here are the main points! :D

- Went to see Hannibal panel, (twas awesome! the main casts weren't all there, but the side characters were)
- Woke up early a bunch of times, basically been waking up at 3AM to line up to try to get exclusives.
- Was able to get the MOST exclusive item~ The Magic of the Gathering card set for my friend Andy.
- Got to see the casts of Games of Thrones... awesssomeeee!!
- Got to see Teen Wolf casts/panel (even though I dont watch it, but had to sit through it to see Hannibal panel)
- Got to see the Community panel ( same thing, have to sit through it to see Hannibal)
- Got a lot of cool freebees!
- Was able to get my new ponies!! WHOOOOTT~!! :D haha!
- Went home early on Saturday, missed my chance to see Once Upon a Time panel, AND missed the Hunger Games fun pin thing! T^T;; </3 ! But its ok!  ;A;/ next time... I guess...!!

~~~ Thats about it!! There are tonsss of pictures I took. Most of them are/will be on my facebook to see :D ! haha!! So feel free to check it out! I will just post my favorite pictures :D hehe! And also the items I got!

Got my girls! Waiting to get set 2 !! 
My pony collection!!! Set 3 !! I am still missing 3 though!! ahhh ><9
New Batman fig from Square Enix... want... !!!!! 
Egads too many pictures!!! @A@ !!



    And actually my Magic deck is green / white ^^; And, um, mostly ponies ^__^; (you know, horses and things ^__^)

    So so glad you had fun fun fun!! ^__^ //

    1. IKR?!?!

      OH WOW! Senchi you play Magic too? :0 !! I had no idea!! hahaha

    2. Ehehe I KNOW how to play it, but believe me, I SUCK at it ~ I have no gift for strategy, and I'm suuuuper slow cos I'm figuring out what to do every turn ~ NOT fun for whoever's playing with me ehehe ~ so, I really just collect ones with horses, so that's mostly green white, but I have some black / red too ~ and I do have other cards in my deck to make it actually playable (so it's not just a unicorn collection LOL) ~ but, it's not a MIGHTY deck or anything ehehe

      You know ~ my dream is to have one of my paintings on a Magic card ~ like THAT's ever gonna happen ever LOL ehehe

    3. Its ok!! Thats still so cool that you play!! :D haha!
      Some of my guy friends would totally want to play with you! hahaha :D

      HECK! You never know! It may happen!! Your paintings are freakin awesome!

  2. Hey girl, it's me, Shiba64! I was finally able to sign in again! I'm happy to know it was so easy (I don't know why i remember having a hard time with joining the first time! But yeah, i definitely have not finished looking at your latest entries, but that Bat Man though. *o* Me and my Ma saw that awesome action figure few days ago and was like, "Who (or what) is that!? He looks so cool and sinister! Then I saw it was designed by one of my all time favorite artist, Tetsuya Nomura! I was already sold, then to discover that it was Bat Man! We were shocked, but like it.
