Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Chilling with my Tori-senpaii !

Today was a bit of a slow day at work ~ it was busy in the morning, but right after 2pm, it got extremely slow. Me and Ryuna basically just did fun silly character quizes online XD ! Quizes like "which Kingdom Hearts character are you, (I got Sora)" or like "Which Xmen character are you? (I got Kitty Pryde, thank god its not Jean Grey), Which Justice League member are you? (Got Hal Jorden, I guess his personality is similar to mine) and many more quizes. We did too many to remember them all. haha.

~~ Then after dinner, one of my best friends Tori came over to play!!! :D Yayyyyy!!!  We took pictures of some of our figures ! Tori brought Samus and I have my "Jiyu" figure~ :] Take a look~!
Jiyu: Welcome over Samus!
Samus: Yo!
Jiyu: Ahhh! Now isn't this peaceful!
Samus: ....(thinks: .... how do I drink this...)
Samus: uhh.. Jiyu...I can't use my hand..!
Jiyu: :0 oh my my! Try your other one?
Samus: O wait! I got this...*pew*.... *sweatdrop*
Jiyu: WHOA! OAO;;;!! 
Even Deebo wanted to join! Check out her evil glare XD <3 
Jiyu: Thanks for reading!


  1. I wish I knew lots of anime characters T^T Do you have any recommendation of what to watch? :D
    But over that, I LOVE your figure photos it's so AWESOOOOME!! I wanna have one!!! xD They look sooo real!! *O* So all figures can be adjusted, even their fingers? Because Jiyus fingers have changed ~ even her facial expression! :D Wow, I should search up anime figures! >:D

    Ahahaha your cat Deebo is SO CUTE! <3 <3 <3 Ehehehe her evil glare is making me laugh, ahaha it's so cute xD And so FLUFFY I WANNA TOUCH HER!!!

    Oooh and I wish I can go and get a job someday! :D

    1. Le gasp! There are sooo many animes that I can recommend to watch! haha~ I don't even know where to begin! Do you have any type of genres you are looking for? :]

      OH!! YES!! The figures come with differnt faces and arms that you can change out :] ! haha. These are the figma kinds! You can totally!! I can link you to the ones figma have XD !

      Hahaha Deebo is omega fluffy :D ! hehe
      And you will have job soon! :D fosho!

    2. Aaaaah I don't know what genre I'm looking for ><; For me, if it has a really good story and moral behind it, then anything's fine :3
      Ooooh I checked out the link you sent me, thank you! :D They look so realistic! And I'm able to buy them with yen, yay! xD I never knew they're called figmas! So from now on I'll call the figures figmas :3

      Yyyess I can't wait to get a job one day! For now, looks like the job I have is helping out / house chores xD

    3. Actually my little gumdrop, figmas is just this type of company that makes those type of figures :D ! There are other anime companies that make other kinds of figures too!
      Its just the figma kinds are one of the better quality ones and have a lot of parts you can change in and out :D hehe!

    4. Ooohhhh okay, thank you Dr. Tsu! :D So I'll keep on calling them figures unless I know their name ^_^ I checked them out, and what the boxes say are true: "They move well, and they are really beautiful/clean" :D They certainly are!

  2. Omgggg this was HILARIOUS ~ how *will* Samus drink her tea loooooool ~ maybe there's a tiny opening for a straw? ^_______^ She should just give her tea to Deebo so she won't get Deebo's evil glare ^O^*** I really love your photo-comics Tsucchi ^___^** Hope to see more ^__~

    1. LOL XD !!! She prob does need a straw!! She was like struggling XD teehee!!
      Deebos evil glare is just too cute XD hahaha!

      I'll try to have more :] ! hehe
